Friday, June 08, 2007

The best advice on concentration is - Be there, where you are

can be described, as an ability of mind;
to focus attention on one object, thought or an act only,
and exclusion of every other thing at one point of time.

Every activity;
(Working, conversing, studying, thinking or even playing, cleaning the house and cooking)
we engage into; requires attention in order to be handled efficiently.

The tremendous power of concentration
can be seen in the practical example of magnifying glass;
that could burn a piece of paper
when rays of the Sun are focused through it.

The mind mastery called concentration
is a very desirable talent, a must for every person,
(Whether in material world or in spiritual world)
who wants to succeed.

When our minds are focused;
Our energy is not dissipated in unnecessary activities and thoughts.

Developed concentration has many benefits to give us, like;
control of thoughts, inner strength, better memory,
the ability to focus of mind, help in developing psychic abilities
like creativity, imagination and meditation,
stopping distractions, better functioning in daily life for
studying or working; and many more...

Therefore, develop;
your powers for concentration and gain a useful ability,
which will help you on most occasions in your life

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